Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Season 2 Episode 10 - Dakota White becomes Pro and the importance of Graphics with Hellsick Skateboards
In this episode at the Banger in the Hanger, I interview freshly turned pro skateboarder Dakota White, along with Pat Morehead and Brian Michaelsick from Hellsick Skateboards. Pat and Brian talk about their roots as a skateboard company and the importance of their graphics. Then Dakota jumps in and speaks about the significance of the graphics of his new pro model on Hellsick skateboards that Pat designed. The imagery of the buffalo and lighting tie into his Native American roots and the star quilt pattern on the top tie into his Grandmother's Native American quilt making skill. This graphic is amazing. The board is high quality, and the rider, Dakota White, rips. I have no doubt this board will become iconic.