Saturday May 27, 2023
Season 2 - Episode 02 - Trevor Peterson - Strength, Recovery, and Skateboarding
One of the locals from Garden Ridge in north San Antonio was at Jaws in New Braunfels ripping and we got to talking. Turns out that not only is he a ripper on a skateboard, he is also a Fitness Trainer. We were talking about strengh, mobility, flexibility, recovery, nutrition, and everything else surrounding physical wellness and skateboarding. As I mentioned in my first blog post, I want The Skate Gym to be about all of that. Most of the time when I am at the park I just want to skate and hang out, but on occasions like this where the incentives align, I can't resist taking out my 4-track recorder and doing an improv podcast recording session. Thsi episode came out great. Trevor is an incredible skater and an incredible person. I hope to have him come to the The Skate Gym to do some skateboarding strength workshops!